Ohio Attorneys

Ohio Attorneys

With Allison L. Harrison Law the following is included at no charge to members:

  1. Draft general release agreements (this does not include cases in litigation)
  2. Phone calls or emails to Government Agencies on Dealer’s behalf (this does not include representation at a formal hearing or representation in a complaint. Example: call/email to BMV with title question)
  3. BBB/AG complaint response consultation
  4. Contract review of OIADA preferred partners/vendors 
  5. Regulatory guidance specific to automotive industry 
  6. Litigation consultation (max 30 minutes for each litigation matter)
  7. General legal advice (how to resolve pre-litigation disputes; responding to garnishments, etc.)

Gertsburg Licata Helps Dealerships Comply with State and Federal Laws:

Our attorneys have decades of experience representing motor vehicle dealers’ interests in all facets of dealership operations, including compliance, business transactions and disputes. We counsel clients on business issues that are unique to car dealers, whether it involves structure, finance, labor relations, advertising, and consumer sales, or other automotive law issues. We have successfully represented car dealers in civil consumer complaints and responding to Attorney General investigations.

Click here to learn more about legal services and benefits for OIADA members.